Hate crime and personal abuse
A hate crime is an offence that the victim feels was committed because of some kind of prejudice or hate.
These prejudices include:
- Race, skin colour, ethnic origin, nationality (including against gypsies and travellers).
- Religion and faith (or lack of religious belief).
- Gender identity (including transgender, transsexuals and transvestites).
- Sexual orientation.
- Disability (including physical disabilities, sensory impairments, learning disabilities and mental health issues).
Hate crime abuse often includes:
- Physical attacks, such as assaults.
- Vandalism, criminal damage, graffiti or arson.
- Verbal abuse or abusive gestures.
- Cyberbullying.
- Offensive communications.
- Threats of an attack.
- Financial exploitation.
How you may be affected
We’re all different but feeling worried, isolated, scared or ashamed are all perfectly normal. Being a victim of a hate crime can be upsetting as you have been targeted because of who you are, or who or what your attacker thinks you are.
Hate crimes are often not reported because the victim feels trapped and alone. The truth is, they can happen to anybody and there is always a way forward.
You may feel alone and that no-one can help, but just talking to someone here about what you are going through will make you realise that there are people on your side. We can help you understand what is happening and guide you to specialist organisations who will support you moving forward.
We are here to help you, please call us now. Calls are always treated in confidence.
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